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Course overview:

Service design is the activity of planning and organising people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between service provider and customers. The purpose of service design methodologies is to design according to the needs of customers or participants, so that the service is user-friendly, competitive and relevant to the customers.

Design Thinking is a methodology that is used to innovate and solve business problems. Service Design is about applying design thinking and design methodologies into material products.

Teams will be working on specific areas of interest during the entire session. The facilitator will share case studies and examples to demonstrate the application of various tools under Design Thinking


What will you learn?

  • Emerging decision makers build their expertise in this workshop with specific design tools and methods as well as understand the end to end human centered framework.
  • Uncover opportunities and hidden potential in your organization
  • Learn the framework that helps build digital ecosystems
  • Align various stakeholders and leaders towards a single purpose
  • Create real business impact over sustained periods of time
  • Create a culture of design and empathy in your organization
  • Understand tools and techniques that are shaping the world today


Who should Attend?

There is no eligibility criteria set for the course. But it is essential to come with an open mind and be OK with ambiguity.


Course outline and contents:

1) What is Service Design/Design Thinking for Services

Importance of service design in today’s economy and principles of service design

2) Writing the Problem Statement

Technique to identify and write the right problem statement

3) Understanding Stakeholders and Users

Business Goals and priorities, Vision Statement

4) Personas, Empathy Maps

Deriving Insights and Techniques to create Persona of user, Persona of Associate within organization

5) Current Scenarios to identify pain points

Current Journeys of personas and prioritization of focus areas

6) Ideation and Prioritization

Ideation tools and techniques

 7) Future Scenarios and Moments of Max Impact

Visualize the future state and prioritize the relationship defining “moments”

8) Prototyping

The goals of prototyping; Designing Prototypes



1) What are the prerequisites and eligibility criteria?

Ans: There is no eligibility criteria set for the course. But it is essential to come with an open mind and be OK with ambiguity.

2) What are the requirements for the workshop?

Ans: Laptop is desirable to have but not mandatory. There are no other requirements – software or otherwise.

3) What is the duration of the course?

Ans:  2 days (8 hours each day)

4) What will be the mode of training?

Ans: Case studies, detailed presentations in classroom, Individual and group exercises and games, field research.

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