Why create Customer Journey Map?
Customer journey mapping could start on simple excel sheets predicting the user’s point of view to a more comprehensive vision that describes an average customer experience. Start laying the foundation for your customer journey mapping process today with Q Glue. The visual illustration of the buying process will help you gain valuable insight into the customer’s intentions to buy or don’t buy from you.
How to create a Customer Journey Map
Since customer journey mapping is all about understanding your customer’s intentions and user experience while interacting with your brand, it is vital to attract new customers and maintain the loyalty of your existing customers.
Creating Customer Journey Map
1. Set the objectives for the map.
2. Sketch your personas with their goals.
3. Highlight your target customer
4. List the touchpoints.
5. Analyzing the results
6. Make the changes wherever required
Few real-life examples of Customer Journey Map
1. Starbucks
2. Spotify
Spotify is one of the most popular audio streaming services worldwide. It created a customer journey map that helped to determine where music-sharing features best fit into the customer experience.
2. TurboTax
3. Amazon
4. B2B Customer Journey Map Example- Excel
This B2B customer journey map example is prepared using a simple Excel spreadsheet by breaking down the journey stage by stage and aligning each step with customer goals.
5. HubSpot
And to conclude
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