Sudhindra V, till recently was the Chief Design Officer for IBM India. He is QGLUE’s Designer in Residence and the Founder and CEO of the new age design studio, Design Unbounded. He is the author of the book “Design Chronicles – Design is an attitude” and has conducted 100+ workshops mostly involving senior leaders including C level folks from various organisations.
- Former Chief Design Officer for IBM India.
- Previously, he was with Sapient Nitro as Experience Design Director.
- Recognized for his work through awards including ‘Most Innovative Product’ by National Infocomm Awards in Singapore.
- Recognized for his work through awards including a ‘Blue Elephant’ at Kyoorius, category best in Interactive Media Awards and Internet Advertising Awards.
- Interaction Design Association (IxDA) volunteer and was till recently the Regional Co-ordinator for IxDA Asia.
- Recognised Thought Leader in Design Thinking.
- Key Speaker in various Design Thinking Conferences.
- Advisor to multiple Start-ups.
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